Israel’s flag unfurled in central war-torn Gaza sends a message of resilience and resolve.

By David E. Kaplan

Shakespeare had it ‘dead’ right with his phrase in Hamlet Hoist with his own petard” meaning that a bomb-maker is blown off the ground by his own bomb (“petard“), indicating an ironic reversal or poetic justice. In plain English, the bombmaker is the author of his own misfortune.

Shakespear’s Message to Hamas. If you are “hoist by your own petard” you get blown up or hoisted by your own bomb, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

It should apply to Gaza that began a war with a barrage of thousands of rockets and a massacre to bloody again the pages of Jewish history. However, the world not only does not see it that way, it purposely protects Hamas’ pseudo image of liberator and purposely prevents the truth of what happened in Israel from finding any traction to a global audience.

Take for example the observations of British journalist and commentator Douglas Murray currently visiting Israel and Gaza. He cited what transpired at Al-Shifa Hospital Gaza’s largest medical facility, when following Hamas’ denial that hospitals were used by the terror group, Israel released closed-circuit TV footage of some hostages being dragged into the hospital, as well as showing a cache of weapons. However, as soon as the evidence exposed Hamas’ lies and deceptions, TV news networks reflexively concocted new narratives to excuse Hamas and blacken Israel.

The minute they show that the hospital has an arms dump inside it,” says Murray,“and has a load of Kalashnikovs and grenades, Jeremy Bowen of the BBC is asked about it and says, ‘Well, it is not inconceivable that the Kalashnikovs belonged to the hospital’s security department.’”

BBC’s Biased Bowen. The mainstream international media no longer even tries to hide its anti-Israel bias. Take for instance Jeremy Bowen, international editor for the BBC, who admits mistakes were made on Gaza reporting that blamed Israel, but says he “doesn’t regret it.”

Sarcastically but poignantly, Murray responded the following day on television saying:

Yeah, and its possible the grenades were for the cardiology department.”

A joke maybe, but Murray really gets into the “heart” of the issue that no matter how compelling the evidence in support of Israel, it will never be strong enough to overcome embedded bias.

This is the nature of antisemitism. After all, 2000 years is a more than respectable time period to prove a point of prejudice!

Not only is there a manipulation of news against Israel but there is an active attempt to deny news if it supports Israel. Take what happened recently in Canada which exposes how the international news networks are long disinterested in what happened to the Jews on October 7; only what the Jews are doing to Palestinians post October 7.

The images of the October 7 massacre – of decapitated bodies, burned babies, bloodstained bedrooms, mangled remains of raped girls – are faded memories facilitated by a complicit media erasing the imagery as if it never happened. An example of this avoidance by the media is what took place recently in Montreal as reported by a former South African, Israel’s consul-general, Paul Hirschon, who Lay of the Land interviewed some years ago when he returned from his position as Israel’s ambassador to Senegal.

Shutting out the Truth. Former South African, now Israel’s consul-general in Montral, Paul Hirschon exposes startling Canadian media bias towards Israel.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post (December 22,2023), Hirschon spoke of his attempt to organise a private showing in Montreal of unreleased footage of the October 7 massacre in Israel. He received “a reply from someone at Radio Canada that no one could attend as Radio Canada was busy that day.”

Actual, factual visual evidence of a massacre and the reply to the Israeli consul-general is a disrespectful:

 “Busy that day”!

Hirschon later heard that Radio Canada would not come to the screening because:

 “They want to remain neutral”.

How does one remain neutral to a massacre? Apparently very easy when its Canadians and the victims are Jews. Did not a Canadian official not respond to the appeal for safe refuge by Jewish refugees during the Nazi Holocaust, “that even one Jew was too many.”

It is quite staggering but no less revealing as Hirschon bemoans:

Radio Canada’s decision to avoid exposure to significant and relevant material on a subject they are giving extensive coverage to.”

What this incident reveals is that the media is facilitating transforming:


How do Gazans – who could agree to free the hostages today and end the war tomorrow – get away portraying themselves as the innocent victims, free of any responsibility of what is befalling them now? Their battalions of spokespeople, including the complicit global media babble on that the Gazan people are not responsible for the actions of Hamas although they are their elected leadership ruling them for the better part of two decades and according to a respected Palestinian  poll, if an election were held today, Hamas would be reelected not only in Gaza but the Wast Bank as well and by an overwhelming majority.

This is what the world and the global media ignore!

As far as I’m concerned, I’m done with media manipulation repeatedly churning out the same sights in Gaza of urban rubble, to stir up the street crowd into a frenzied state to go out and potentially commit – pogroms. The example was set on October 7, and Hamas has proudly announced it will happen “again and again and again.”

Israel must be removed,” says Hamas official Ghazi Hamad. Can one doubt this intent after October 7 and that it would not be replicated on any of Israel’s other borders?

With antisemitism rampant across the world as affirmed even by governments and statemen admitting, “it is no longer safe for Jews anywhere,” it is even more reason that Israel has to restore its deterrence and emphatically expunge the evil that descended on it on October 7. As I expressed in my previous article, Israel needs to transform its image from the sitting duck of October 7 to the once feared Lion of Judea. If not to be loved as the world reminds us, let us be feared.

So, unlike most overseas observers of the TV news, when I look upon the devastated landscape of Gaza today, I pine not.

Inflict us with your murderous RABBLE, expect to find yourself in RUBBLE.

THE ISRAEL BRIEF- 25-28 December 2023

The Israel Brief – 25 December 2023  Christmas and day 80 of Israel’s war with Hamas.

The Israel Brief – 26 December 2023  Finally, some good news and updates.

The Israel Brief – 27 December 2023 Hezbollah shelled a church and the world is silent. Updates.

The Israel Brief – 28 December 2023 A fiery exchange of words and updates.


You said “Never Again” and we believed you. When it comes to Jews, “Again” you remain silent

By Rolene Marks

Dear United Nations

In a few weeks’ time, member states of the United Nations will commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance and Memorial Day. The 27th of January, is designated as a day of remembrance to coincide with the anniversary of the Red Army liberating the Auschwitz death camp. It is a day separate to Yom Hashoa, Israel’s national Memorial Day. UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres will look suitably solemn, make speeches, and attend ceremonies where he will say “Never Again” and talk about the imperative of memorial and fighting antisemitism. Many world leaders will do the same. In the halls of the UN and around the world, you will all give yourselves a perfunctory pat on the back and look suitably smug. You will acknowledge the Holocaust, looked sad for a day (and those photo opportunities because optics are important) and can tick your annual gesture to the genocide of the Jewish people off your to-do list. Ceremonies done, lip service paid, you can resume your sanctimony.

‘Never Again’ at UN sounding Shallow. What will UN Secretary-General Guterres – who is seen here with Israel’s UN envoy Gilad Erdan (l) and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan (r) viewing a Holocaust installation at the UN Headquarters in New York, January 26, 2023 – say this coming January on ‘International Holocaust Remembrance and Memorial Day’ in light of the rising antisemitism, some of it fueled by his personal statements and the positions of his UN relating to Israel’s war against Hamas?  (Photo: Luke Tress/Times of Israel)

The United Nations, established out of the ashes of the Holocaust, has a founding document or mandate to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction of race, sex, language, or religion. You said Never Again – and we believed you.

Then 7 October happened. You were silent. The noble tenets of your mandate discarded and replaced with a wall of immovable silence.

When the marauding, plundering, barbaric Hamas terrorists rained thousands of rockets down on Israeli civilians with the intention of murdering us, you said nothing.

Your social media feeds are filled with tweets about Gaza – the children in Gaza, the women in Gaza, the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. Nobody begrudges you that. Nobody is more acutely aware of the plight of Gazan civilians than Israelis are. This is why we are angry and frustrated that Hamas invited this war of wars on both our people. Your silence and that of your agencies UNICEF, UNRWA, UN Women and others about the plight of Israelis is deafening.

The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has been conspicuous in their absence of commentary – and empathy for Israeli child victims of the 7/10 atrocities. Where is the litany of tweets in support of Israeli children; don’t they deserve protection in a time of war? Where are your demands for the release of Kfir and Ariel Bibas and other minors held hostage by Hamas? Have you met with the children released from captivity and heard their stories? Have you visited the children from the towns and kibbutzim who have lost their homes, family members, friends, parents and community? They are enduring an unprecedented wave of trauma. Do you realise how many children are internal refugees, having evacuated from their homes in the north and south of Israel? You have not expressed your sorrow and anger about the brutal murder, torture, mutilation and rapes of Israeli children. Why is that? Do their lives not count? Why did you have fundraising campaigns for children of Gaza but nothing for Israeli children? Don’t worry, we hear you loud and clear. Our children don’t count – at least in your eyes.

UN’helpful. The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has been conspicuous in their absence of interest for the Israeli child victims of the 7/10 atrocities such as 10-month-old Kfir Bibas, seen here in a poster held up by a relation of the Bidas family who are all hostages held by Hamas.  

You advocate for children in Gaza, but where were you when Hamas used child labour to dig their terror tunnels? Many children have died as a result and you have been silent so don’t start with the hypocritical pearl clutching now. Where were you when children were recruited by terrorists to use as child soldiers? Nowhere. I want to talk to you about education of hate but I think that is more applicable to another UN agency – UNRWA.

Let us talk about UNRWA, the United Nations Relief Works Agency, designed to keep Palestinians in perpetual, generational refugee status. For years, various organisations have been warning that not only do Hamas use UNRWA schools and hospitals to store weapons but also textbooks are rife with incitement of hate. Some of your trucks were found on the devastated kibbutzim and as the IDF advance through Gaza we are seeing UNRWA branding in tunnels, on packages and boxes with weapons inside and we know that some of your staff were celebrating the massacre.

The New York Post obtained phone call recordings between a Palestinian man and an IDF officer. The Palestinian civilians accused UNRWA, of being under Hamas’ power, and that the terrorist group has been hogging all the humanitarian supplies. Humanitarian aid that civilians desperately need.

The situation is terrible because the humanitarian people, those responsible for the humanitarian aid, are thieves,” the frustrated Gaza resident said in the recording.

Hamas has their hands on UNRWA administration workers, and it manages UNRWA,” he alleges. “From the day they [Hamas] rose to power they took control of everything.”

The Palestinian man also said that Hamas has made sure the incoming humanitarian supplies were distributed to its own people first as opposed to the more than one million civilians who have been displaced by the war.

How do you explain this? Your social media has a black band across your name, indicating a state of mourning, but if your “staff”, some who celebrated the atrocities of 7/10 and some who have been investigated over the years for incitement of hate, are Hamas or assisting Hamas, this makes them legitimate military targets.

Massacre in the Making. A 2023 report by  two independent research and monitoring groups reveals that teachers and schools at the UN agency that runs education and social services for Palestinians regularly call to murder Jews, and create teaching materials that glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom, demonize Israelis and incite antisemitism.

The World Health Organisation, also a part of your once venerated organization, has also opted for silence or perhaps amnesia as a reason to not condemn or even comment on the firing on ambulances and hospitals. Director General, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, said nothing when Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon was hit 4 times by Hamas rockets which in one incident, seriously damaged operating theatres. Nothing was said when Hamas terrorists fired on ambulances on 7/10, destroying them before they could be used to help the wounded. Hamas murdered paramedics like Awad, a Muslim and Amit a Jew. They were found with their latex gloves on. They helped the wounded until Hamas took the last breath from their bodies. World Health Organisation branding was visible in Al- Rantisi Hospital, where the evidence shows some of our hostages were kept there. Hamas have used hospitals as human shields, violating their secure status and turning them into legitimate military targets and still you condemn Israel. Did you forget the oath to “first do no harm”?

Last but certainly not least, I want to address UN Women.

You took nearly 60 days to tweet out that you were “alarmed at reports of sexual violence”. Well, I was not alarmed – I was sickened, distraught, devastated and angry when I first saw the images of Shany Louk’s lifeless and nearly naked body, her legs broken as she was paraded like a trophy through the streets of Gaza, while Palestinian men kicked her and spat on her. I felt a punch not to my gut but to my soul when I saw Naama Levy, who is still being held hostage, dragged by her hair by a Hamas terrorist, the bloodstains around her crotch area for the entire world to see that she had been violated. You should have voiced you anger and condemnation when the world watched with horror – not 60 days later!

Naama’s mother, Ayelet Levy Shachar speaks with a gentle voice and when she talks about her Na’ama in a tone so filled with love, it makes me want to wrap my arms around her and shield her from the pain of knowing what her daughter has and continues to endure. UN Women, you have barely acknowledged her or the pain of other mothers and fathers – let alone the victims. We have heard from doctors who treated the released hostages that several of them, including girls as young as 12 and at least one 30-year-old male had been sexually violated. US officials believe the young women have not been released for the simple reason – they will talk. They will tell the world what they have endured. You are still silent. You have betrayed your mandate – and the trust of victims of sexual violence past and present. When rape is used as a weapon of war, you should be the first to respond. Your prejudice has been exposed for the entire world to see.

Israel’s war with Hamas has exposed not only the gross negligence of the UN and all your agencies, but has shown the public how complicit you are with a terror organization comparable to ISIS. On 27 January, you will observe Holocaust Remembrance and Memorial Day and you will say Never Again. Never again is now – and you failed to prevent or even condemn it.

Shame on you!

‘Hamas has its hands on UNRWA workers and it manages UNRWA’


Global complicity in how “Aid money” poured into Gaza is diverted to sustain Hamas’ murderous military machine.

By Harris Zvi Green

*Feature picture – The IDF published images of blue aid kits emblazoned with the Unicef logo close to destroyed pick-up trucks used by Hamas fighters in the massacre of more than 1,300 Israelis CREDIT: @IDF/TWITTER.

December 22, 2023

My dearest friends,

This past week has been a tough one for Israelis.

The death toll amongst our soldiers continues to rise. In a particularly tragic event, three Israeli hostages were accidentally killed by soldiers who mistook them for terrorists. It’s easy to blame the soldiers for this terrible error of judgement, but one has to consider the context. These soldiers have been in constant danger for 10 weeks. They’ve lost friends to boobytraps and sniper fire. They’ve barely had time to rest.

“Our Boys”. To try save its hostages held in Gaza and destroy their evil Hamas kidnappers, Israel is paying a heavy price in military casualties.

We spent last Shabbat with family in Jerusalem. We were forced to take refuge in an air-raid shelter following the sounding of sirens in anticipation of a missile attack in the middle of the Friday evening service. We need to ask ourselves how Hamas still has the military capacity to launch missile attacks with a range of more than 75 kilometers.

This past week, our news has been dominated by the discovery of a strategic four-kilometer-long tunnel 50 meters below ground level. This tunnel is wide enough to enable motor transport of arms and ammunition. It also provides vehicle access to underground military operations and communications centers, arms production facilities and prisoner and hostage detention and interrogation areas.

According to military intelligence, there are another two such strategic tunnels, both of which will need to be destroyed in a way precluding their repair. These strategic tunnels constitute an additional component of the network of tactical tunnels that crisscross the Gaza Strip. The tunnel network in Gaza is reportedly more than 500 kilometers long. These reinforced concrete tunnels are equipped with electricity and lights. Air conditioning is essential to maximize use of the tunnel network. Hence the Hamas insistence that “humanitarian aid” for Gaza includes power.

Who masterminded the tunnel project? Who paid for it? How much did it cost? Which banks are involved in the transfer of funds? Who resourced the tunnel digging equipment? How many people are employed in the excavation and construction process?

End of the Tunnel. While the world was reluctant to believe Israel’s allegations of the magnitude of Gaza’s underground terror network,  the IDF exposes a four-kilometer-long, 50-meter deep “strategic” level tunnel. (Photo credit: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)

I’m not an investigative journalist. I don’t have the answers. I can only make assumptions, ask relevant questions and ponder the answers.

The sophisticated Hamas military infrastructure costs billions of dollars. The finance, I assume, comes from Iran, Qatar and Turkey. It’s also safe to assume that UN agencies served as a conduit for the “aid money” being poured into Gaza and diverted to sustain the Hamas military machine.

Terror tunnels of this magnitude can only be masterminded, engineered and financed by states. This isn’t the work of a group of long-haired, brainwashed, ideological radicals working out of Dad’s garage.

How can an operation of this scope take place without the knowledge of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency)? Construction of these tunnels requires huge teams of skilled engineers and laborers. The tunnels weren’t dug with the spades used by kids to build sandcastles on the beach.

What happened to the worldwide banking legislation introduced to circumvent the financing of terror and stop money laundering? It seems this legislation is nothing more than lip-service to an ideal. You and I are required to pay enormous bank charges on international financial transactions to finance this bureaucracy. But how do states get away with it? I guess they’re above the law.

It’s as if the legislation was constructed with deliberate loopholes to enable states to finance terror. The legislation reminds me of a custom-made vehicle intended to distance the perpetrator from the scene of his crime.

Why haven’t the banks in violation of the legislation been investigated or had their international banking licenses revoked? There’s no doubt that fraud and crimes have been committed. Where’s the law enforcement? Conspicuously, absent without leave.

Keeping Fit but Unfit for Office. Funded by a gullible world community, Hamas leader Khaled Mashal is one of the $11 billion squad whose lifestyle in Doha, Quatar is a world apart from that of the people his Hamas rules.

According to the New York Post, the top three Hamas leaders have amassed a staggering cumulative fortune of $11 billion. Ismail Haniyeh, Moussa Abu Marzuk and Khaled Mashal, in their stylish Armani suits, maintain luxury lifestyles working out in the gyms of Qatar’s best hotels. They’re on the ultimate gravy train. What would become of them if the war in Gaza ended? They won’t let it happen.

Lounging in Luxury. Far removed from any concerns for his people in Gaza,  one of the sons of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is far too busy lounging in a luxury hotel suite in Qatar. Haniyeh is worth more than $4 billion. (Photo Ofir Gendelman/ Twitter)

At this time, 76 days after the October 7 massacre, Hamas continues to hold 129 hostages in the most appalling conditions. We don’t know who’s alive and who’s no longer with us. The Red Cross still hasn’t visited them. No Red Cross officials have resigned in protest. The international community insists on increasing the volumes of humanitarian aid without mentioning the welfare of the hostages.

Please give the hostages a thought and include them in your prayers.

Site of Murder. Signs with ‘SOS’ and ‘help’ found in this Gaza building where three Israeli hostages were killed on December 15, 2023. (Photo credit: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit)

Golda Meir once said, “if the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel”.

Israel must make peace with herself. We can depend only on ourselves. We can’t make peace with our neighbors. They aren’t worthy of our trust. They aren’t interested in peace. Their actions prove it. Why can’t the international community understand that? To me, it’s all so obvious.

My condolences to those mourning their nearest and dearest. My wishes to the injured for a complete and speedy recovery. May God protect our brave soldiers.

Wishing you all Shabbat Shalom and better times ahead.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Harris Zvi Green

About the writer:

Harris Zvi Green was born in Cape Town, South Africa. Aged 77, he made Aliyah 53 years ago. An accountant by profession, he served as the Chief Financial Officer for a number of Israel based hi-tech companies. He is married to Phyllis. They have 3 married children ,13 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Harris Zvi Green is a founder member of Truth be Told, an organization engaged in public diplomacy on behalf of Israel.


Why when African blacks are gunned down by Hamas operatives from Gaza, Africa ignores?

By Kenneth Moeng Mokgatlhe

 I was shocked by the silence that greeted the callous executions of two young Tanzanians by Hamas.  Both were kidnapped by Hamas when they started a war on 7th of October 2023 by attacking innocent and unarmed civilians in Israel.

These two young Tanzanians, Joshua Mollel and Clemence Felix Mtenga, were in Israel as part of an agricultural project to equip themselves with knowledge lacking in their communities that would allow them to contribute to the economy of their country.  Death was the last thing on their mind but they were cruelly murdered by Hamas.

From Dreams to Death. Murdered by Hamas, Joshua Mollel was among 260 Tanzanians involved in an agricultural internship program sponsored by the Israeli government. (Photo: Steven Mollel/Steven Mollel, via Associated Press)

While I am cognisant of South Africa’s explanation why it supports a terrorist organisation like Hamas, whose fundamental aim is to erase the State of Israel, I find it difficult to understand that there was no condemnation or messages of support by the South African government and political parties on the brutal deaths of two Africans at the hands of Hamas.  I also found it morally repugnant. Why was it so difficult to send a message of condolences to Tanzania or directly to the families of the two young bright leaders who died in a foreign country?


Some naysayers are convincing themselves that the two young men should not have been in Israel in the first place.  This is both a ridiculous and selfish view.  People go to different countries to pursue their dreams, goals, and ambitions. The two men were not in Israel for a holiday.  They were there to educate themselves in the field of agriculture so that they could return and serve their country’s development agenda. They were in their own way soldiers too fighting for development and innovation but who tragically fell at the cruel hands of those whose aim is never to build and develop but to kill and destroy.

The international laws of war are clear: Civilians should be protected by all warring parties. It is important to remember that Mollel and Mtenga were Tanzanian students studying in Israel, not Israeli citizens. Mollel was sprayed with bullets from Hamas’ machine guns at a very close range.  This was after he appealed to them not to take his life.  Hamas was merciless and did what they always do – KILL.

Gunned down by Gazan. 22-year-old agricultural intern from Tanzania Clemence Mtenga was missing for six weeks and thought to be a hostage in Gaza until on November 18, his body was identified and he was declared dead, murdered by Hamas. His sister Alphoncena Mtenga told the AP that “He wanted to start his own agri-business.”

For decades, Africans have pursued studies in foreign countries, including those very countries which as colonial powers during the ‘Scramble for Africa’ ruthlessly exploited the African continent and contributed to its underdevelopment. So why then criticise Israel, a country that only offers to help find and provide technological and innovative solutions for Africa’s multifarious challenges? It is simply hypocritical.

It is puzzling and sad that the African Union (AU) should chose to remain reticent when Africans become casualties.  The AU should speak with a strong and clear voice and reprimand those who still believe that African lives are cheap. The AU should be the last line of defence for all of us in Africa.  So, why are they quiet when Africans are slaughtered in Gaza?

 By contrast, the efforts of the Tanzanian and Israeli governments should be applauded.  They have stood with the bereaved families during these trying times. Burying a child is painful and it lives with the parent forever.

I, like many other young people from across Africa, am currently in Israel to pursue studies so that I can contribute to my own country, South Africa, when I return.  Whatever skills and expertise we acquire in Israel, we will take back to improve our society and our communities in Africa.  We share common goals to alleviate poverty, improve water management, reduce crime, fight diseases, and tackle underdevelopment.

As we continue to witness African countries’ challenges to create jobs and business opportunities, the agricultural sector in Israel will continue to attract foreign workers from Kenya and Malawi. Growing economies in the world like Nigeria understand and acknowledge the importance of remittances as the greatest source of foreign exchange. This will be a big boost to the Kenyan and Malawian economies.

Should we prohibit Africans from working in Israel? The answer is a big NO.  Much of Africa’s local economies are unable to provide employment opportunities needed for its people to look after their families and boost their economies.  Rather than try and prevent movement, we should be encouraging young people to visit foreign countries and expand their knowledge to develop our own country’s economies.  

Siding with the Killers. Ten days after the massacre that killed more Jews in one day since the Holocaust, South Africa’s foreign minister, Naledi Pandor held a telephonic conversation with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh to “discuss getting humanitarian aid into Palestine.”

For those who compare the struggles of the African continent with that of Hamas are totally misdirected – both factually and morally. Why would South Africa’s president, Cyril Ramaphosa, support organisations that do not hesitate to kill another black person, and for no reason? For me, race matters. I cannot support anyone who wishes or sees nothing wrong with brutally killing any African, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The world fails to see Africa in its radar.  It is time, we reclaim our power by restoring our lost dignity and integrity. We should condemn and call out anyone who seeks to undermine black lives. Wherever we are in the world, we should always remember how the world has not been fair and try to influence the world’s treatment of black people.  #BlackLivesMatter.

Even in Gaza.

Helping Israel. Several African countries are sending farm workers to help out in Israel after the Hamas claimed the lives of staff and forced many others to flee. Seen here are some of the thousands of African farm workers who have travelled to Israel to ease the labour shortage there. (Photo: Chris McCullough)

About the writer:

Mokgatlhe is a columnist and political writer based at Ben Gurion University where he is doing his Master of Arts in African Studies.

Lay of the Land Weekly Newsletter- 24 December 2023

Unveiling the contours and contrasts of an ever-changing Middle East landscape Reliable reportage and insightful commentary on the Middle East by seasoned journalists from the region and beyond


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What’s happening in Israel today? See from every Monday – Thursday LOTL’s The Israel Brief broadcasts and on our Facebook page and YouTube by seasoned TV & radio broadcaster, Rolene Marks familiar to Chai FM listeners in South Africa and millions of American listeners to the News/Talk/Sports radio station WINA, broadcasting out of Virginia, USA.

THE ISRAEL BRIEF- 18-21 December 2023
(Click on the blue title)


If not watching the news, Israelis today are tapping into Breaking News, such is
their anxiety and concern as their country faces enemies on multiple fronts




For Israel it’s returning to be the Lion of Judah rather than the sitting duck of October 7.
By David E. Kaplan

Spirit of Survival. In the wake of the global indifference to the October 7 gruesome massacre in southern Israel
coupled with an antisemitic pandemic endangering Jews everywhere, the writer would support Israel
subscribing to the Machiavellian maxim of -“It is better be feared than to be loved.”

(Click on the blue title)



Top US schools educating next generations of antisemites.
By Jonathan Feldstein

Leading Light Dimmed. In light of its indifference to the safety of its Jewish students, is Harvard University
today living up to its iconic logo which features a shield with the word “VERITAS
meaning – “truth”?

(Click on the blue title)



Blundering at home, ANC government blunders abroad as it flounders into Gaza conflict.
By Kenneth Moeng Mokgatlhe

Entertaining Evil. A “long walk” away from the spirit of Mandela, SA’s government opts to be agents for murderers than agents for reconciliation.Hosting Hamas head Khaled Mashaal seen here at a 2015 rally in Cape Town, SA again recently – following the Oct 7 massacre – hosted a delegation of Hamas killers pledging support! 

(Click on the blue title)



While Israel fights to survive, the world votes at the UN to support those who want its demise.
By Harris Zvi Green

‘Thread’ing the Narrative. With the week beginning with a Brit (circumcision) in Israel of the writer’s great-grandson
in his family’s multi-generational garment (above), the week would unfold with anxiety of loved ones in the IDF,
fear for the hostages and anger over the UN and the Red Cross in their despicable bias.

(Click on the blue title)



Red Cross spending more time defending its shameful record than doing its job.
By Jonathan Feldstein

A Cross in Decline. Following an emotional meeting, Red Cross president, Mirjana Spoljaric Egger declined
to have her photo taken with the distraught families of the hostages and declined to accept life-saving
medicine for a hostage from his father appealing to give to the Hamas kidnappers.

(Click on the blue title)

LOTL Cofounders David E. Kaplan (Editor), Rolene Marks and Yair Chelouche
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Blundering at home, ANC government blunders abroad as it flounders into Gaza conflict

By Kenneth Moeng Mokgatlhe

The African National Congress (ANC) has been able to secure a victory in every national election the country has had since 1994 due to its reputation for having fought against minority rule, and apartheid regime. There is no doubt that South Africans have been mandating the ANC to govern based on its struggle credentials rather than its ability to deliver on its promise to bring about a “better life”. 

However, the ANC has failed dismally to remodel itself from being a broader liberation movement to being a modern political formation.  The party is living in the past.  They seemingly are still hoping to restore and keep their historical cold-war era ties with their “like-minded” organisations or countries. We are seeing their cozying up to both Russia and Hamas. 

Floundering in Foreign Affairs. Seen here is Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov meeting with his South African counterpart Naledi Pandor in Pretoria in January 2023. South Africa unleashed a storm of criticism in 2022 in response to its draft UN General Assembly resolution on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, which failed to mention Russia’s responsibility for the crisis. It displays even worse confusion in its support for Hamas following the terrorist groups’ massacre of Jews on October 7 in southern Israel.(Photo PHILL MAGAKOE/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES)

The ANC is a resistance movement that is still trapped and stuck in the past and wants to destroy those who don’t agree with them.  They believe that their revolutionary antics and empty political rhetoric will help them secure more votes by continuing to attack the State of Israel. It is a diversion tactic that is easier than doing what they have failed to do, that is to focus on more than 18.2 million people who are living under horrible circumstances without food to eat.

 Criticising Israel is proving easier than dealing with the stark reality that our country faces.  We have one of the highest murders in the world, with more than 1,786 people killed daily.  We have more than 7.9 million young people who are actively looking for jobs without success. We have a situation wherein literally half of the population depends on state-sponsored social grants. This is a horrible situation to be in. 

The economy is at its knees due to corruption in the public service and the government’s public institutions, such as the health and education system, transport and infrastructure have collapsed.  There is a power crisis and many people are unable to access drinking water.  Unsurprisingly, we are seeing many investors leaving or threatening to leave our country to invest in other destinations. Yet. we are so preoccupied with issues that are not going to change our economic fate or fortunes.  The ANC-led government’s castigation of Israel is not going to solve our country’s problems.  Nor, by welcoming Hamas into our country, will they solve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. 

Bias instead of Balance. Adorning a Palestinian keffiyeh, it is no surprise the South African president, Cyril Ramaposa has thrown away any chance of South Africa playing a mediating role in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

If South Africa wanted to create a conducive atmosphere for dialogue between warring parties and be at the table like Qatar, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, they should have tried to resolve this political hot-potato, by bringing the warring parties to the negotiation table. 

But it doesn’t.  It would rather pay lip service to being an upholder of human rights.  But even by its low standards, it falls short on this, too.  They have let Zimbabwe down by supporting the authoritarian ZANU-PF, allowing human rights abuse in that country.  It is no wonder that we continue to see increased levels of emmigration from South Africa.

To show the ANC’s hypocrisy further, there is an unprecedented catastrophe that the ANC and other main political actors in Africa have been ignoring in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) which is far worse than what we are seeing between Hamas and Israel conflict. It is difficult to determine the reasons for the ANC’s lack of interest in the DRC matter which has existed for decades.  The suspicion I have is that the DRC conflict doesn’t attract the kind of media that you see for the Israel-Gaza or Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Cozying up to Killers. South Africa has no qualms about openly welcoming and supporting vicious terrorism groups as seen here in 2015 when a Hamas delegation led by Khaled Mashaal (seen here addressing a meeting in South Africa) which also included Mashaal’s deputy Moussa Abu Marzouk, was welcomed at the airport by the ANC’s deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte.

Logically, we should be helping realise Africa’s dream of silencing the gun and working towards peace on the continent.  The political and military crisis in many African states directly affects South Africa and its people.  We have Congolese refugees who have been in South Africa for many decades.  Yet, the ANC, which claims to fight for human rights for the vulnerable, has neglected Congolese refugees who have not been adopted as citizens of this country despite the ever-worsening war situation in the DRC. These Congolese who have come to be part of the country’s diverse community are struggling to make ends meet because many of them do not have proper documents to help allow them to work or contribute towards the economy. Instead, we see them being killed or injured during the regular waves of xenophobic attacks that have been occurring since 2018. 

South African ANC government fails to deal with Xenophobic Violence Against Non-Nationals

If the government had to prioritise a conflict, the one in the DRC should be it.  However, the government doesn’t seem bothered by the plight of Congolese in this country.  Nor do they seem interested in playing a role to help ensure stability in the DRC.

It is therefore absurd for the ANC to take a side in the Middle East war, which has historical, political, and religious complexities that they do not even understand when they are unable to help fellow Africans.

Mandela would be Appalled. Having time to advise other countries abroad, South Africa fails abysmally at home. A local teacher from a nursery school in Johannesburg got her class of kids to paint signs calling for the unification and end to xenophobic violence. [Photo. Ihsaan Haffejee/Al Jazeera]

The most our government can hope to achieve in foreign conflicts is to encourage both sides to peacefully address their differences and put pressure on both sides. Our non-aligned policy is selectively applied. It doesn’t seem to apply in the Israel-Gaza and Ukraine-Russia conflicts.

Yet, for all its grandstanding on these two conflicts and for all the deflection they hope to achieve, and the media they court, none of it will help save the dire situation that Ordinary South Africans see through it.

About the writer:

Kenneth Moeng Mokgatlhe is a columnist and political writer based at Ben Gurion University where he is doing his Master of Arts in African Studies..

THE ISRAEL BRIEF- 18-21 December 2023

The Israel Brief – 18 December 2023 Massive tunnel uncovered and updates.

The Israel Brief – 19 December 2023 Hamas release propaganda video and updates.

The Israel Brief – 20 December 2023 Gazan hospital chief spills in interrogation and updates.

The Israel Brief – 21 December 2023 A mother with superhuman strength and updates.

The Schilling Show December 18, 2023: Rolene Marks by NewsRadio WINA


Red Cross spending more time defending its shameful record than doing its job

By Jonathan Feldstein

There are reports circulating in Israel of high-level talks involving negotiations to release more of the hostages brutally kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7, and held captive in Gaza since. Reports of the hostages’ conditions from the 100+ who have been released are horrifying. They have suffered physical and psychological torture, starvation, held in underground cages in complete darkness, and suffered violent sexual assaults including gang raping women. Speculation is that many are dead, as some of the hostages’ bodies have been found, littered across Gaza as if trash rather than human beings.

When Israel launched its military operation, it had two goals: to eradicate Hamas and remove it and its leaders from any ability to ever control Gaza and its population or threaten Israel, and to free ALL the hostages. Over the course of a week last month, Israelis were glued to the TV every night as Hamas paraded out more hostages, mostly women and children, under the voyeurism of the world media. But some 130 hostages remain in captivity: Arab and Jewish Israelis, and non-Jews of other nationalities. Still, many of the hostages are women and children, one of whom is 10 months old, doesn’t even know his name, and who has spent nearly a third of his life in captivity.

While Israelis celebrated the return of some of the hostages, we were impacted by the psychological warfare that Hamas inflicted. Manipulating the hostages until the last moment, armed and masked terrorists “escorted” the hostages, instructing them to wave for the camera.

Families of Hostages seeing Red. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger (seen here at a press briefing in June,7 2023 in Avully near Geneva)  refused to take a picture with the families of the hostages during their highly charged recent meeting in Tel Aviv. (Photo: Fabrice Coffrini/AFP)

The terrorists handed off the hostages to representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), as if batons in a relay race, a scene rehearsed night after night. Israelis who watched the spectacle understood that Hamas was trying to appear humanitarian, and that the Red Cross was inept, playing the role of useful idiot or complicit partner to Hamas’ evil. They did nothing until that point to see or assess the well-being of all the hostages, not providing needed medical care, or anything else that is not only their mandate but their responsibility.

The ICRC’s mission is to “alleviate human suffering, protect life and health, and uphold human dignity,” especially during armed conflicts and other emergencies. It has an annual budget of $2.4 billion. By their own measure of fulfilling its own mission, they have been nothing but an expensive abject failure relating to the hostages.

Early on I realized that the Red Cross was serving as nothing more than a glorified Uber service. Yet there was one horrific difference. The Red Cross, which is supposed to protect the welfare of hostages and others, provided vehicles with clear windows, not remotely attempting to provide any privacy or dignity for the hostages or their well-being. It’s as if they were flaunting their prime-time shuttling of hostages to get maximal world attention, and take credit, more than doing their job.

It’s not the first time that the Red Cross has abandoned its responsibilities, and the Jewish people.  During the Holocaust, the Red Cross avoided taking more aggressive action on behalf of the Jews of Europe and even issued a report white washing the Nazi concentration camp Terezin. Only decades, and six million Jews later, the ICRC admitted its wrong doing.  

Tears and Fears. Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen(r) with Shay Vankert,  the father of hostage Omer. During the meeting of the families of the hostages with Red Cross’ President Mirjana Spoljaric Egger – where families of hostages burst into tears – Vankert got up from his chair and demanded that Spoljaric take his son’s inhaler and ensure that he receives it. The Red Cross president declined trying to explain why she could not. (Photo: Yair Sagi)

Watching the hostages being released put a spotlight on the Red Cross’ inaction. Visiting Israel, the head of the ICRC balked at taking responsibility for advocating on behalf of the hostages, claiming that Hamas won’t allow it, rather than insisting Hamas comply. In another shocking instance, a Red Cross representative horrifyingly chided families of hostages to “think about the Palestinians.”

Looking at its (in)action today, it seems that the Red Cross is spending more time defending its shameful record than it is actually doing its job.

Israelis and Jews are typically not familiar with Christianity, yet many have a reflexive negative stereotype based on millennia of persecution. Historically, Jews feared Christians, their churches, and were revolted by the cross and everything it represented as a symbol of hatred to Jews.

At a time when Christian support for Israel and the Jewish people is at historically unprecedented highs, this should bother Christians deeply. I have asked Christian friends if it angers or hurts them to see the cross, the penultimate symbol of their faith, being used to promote discrimination against Jews and Israelis. It’s not a time for Christians to turn the other cheek, but to reclaim what their faith stands for as represented by the cross, and affirming that to be a Christian means to love and support the Jewish people.

Taking a Stand. Standing in front of the Red Cross HQ in Geneva, Switzerland on October 20, 2023 is Assaf Shem Tov, uncle of Omer Shem Tov, a hostage taken to Gaza by Hamas. (Photo: REUTERS/Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber)

As much as it is shameful that the Red Cross has failed the Jews so abysmally again, another shame of the Red Cross is that the symbol of the cross has been hijacked by the ICRC to portray a negative reflection on Christians.

As I saw the hostages being released, I saw terrorists hiding behind their masks, and the ICRC staff hiding behind the purported neutrality of their cross. I realized that while some Israelis will recognize the Red Cross’ symbol, for many it is equivalent to seeing something Christian. With many Israelis not knowing much about Christianity, or having much interaction with Christians, for many the treacherousness of the Red Cross complements the historic reality of Christians persecuting Jews.

Biased Behaviour. Despite its role of ‘chauffeur’ to the released hostages as seen here on November 26, the Red Cross is accused of “clear anti-Israel bias” by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice. (photo credit: REUTERS TV/via REUTERS)

Even though the Red Cross doesn’t represent Christianity, it is time that Christians take back their cross and what it represents. I realize that some will find it unusual, even off-putting and say it’s not my place as an Orthodox Jew to tell Christians what to think or do.  There’s surely something to that. But because I am concerned about building bridges between Jews and Christians which includes breaking down barriers and how Jews look at and perceive Christians and Christianity, I care.  Maybe it comes across with great hubris to say if I were a Christian I’d do so and so.  Nevertheless, if I were a Christian, I’d:

Urge Christians to flood the virtual gates of the ICRC, demanding that they do their job and stop their history of antisemitism.

Implore Christians speak out publicly against the Red Cross, and its history of antisemitic bias that continues to play out today.  

Tell Christians to stop giving to the Red Cross, anywhere, unless there is a complete and permanent overhaul of their anti-Israel bias everywhere.  

Beseech Christians to sign the petition demanding that the Red Cross support the well being and freedom of ALL the hostages.

“Do Your Job”. Demonstrators call upon the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) outside its offices in Tel Aviv on November 9 to make a serious effort to help Israeli kidnapped hostages held in Gaza. (AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP)

I don’t know if it’s possible or has any legal basis, but if I were a Christian, I would initiate a lawsuit against the Red Cross, barring it from using the word “cross” or the symbol of a cross anywhere because of the slanderous way it reflects on Christians and Christianity.

These are big wishes for Christmas, but Jews and Christians worship a big God. If we come together, these are little things we can achieve. And if not, I am sure that $2.4 billion can be better used.

May all the hostages be released soon.

About the writer:

Jonathan Feldstein ­­­­- President of the US based non-profit Genesis123 Foundation whose mission is to build bridges between Jews and Christians – is a freelance writer whose articles appear in The Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, Townhall, NorthJersey.com, Algemeiner Jornal, The Jewish Press, major Christian websites and more.


For Israel it’s returning to be the Lion of Judah rather than the sitting duck of October 7

By David E. Kaplan

Adding to the bombardment of rockets, Israelis are now being bombarded with serious appeals to consider “The Day After”. These persistent overtures have the resonant ring of an apocalyptic movie, something to avoid rather than embrace. Yes, there is the ubiquitous talk of the ‘Two-State Solution’ but what is the state of that solution following the horror of the 7 October massacre; and that a majority of Palestinian society approves of it. This was reflected in a respected poll  carried out by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between 22 November and 2 December 2023?

When rockets last Friday from Gaza flew above Israel’s capital, the shrieking sound of the siren was more than a warning that sent Jerusalem’s residents dashing for cover. It was a warning to Israelis about what type of a future they can expect with those Palestinians that preferred to embrace the incoming rockets with applause, cheering and whistling!  

It appears we move in different directions literally as well as fugitively.

With the macabre nature of what befell Jews on October 7, a gaping chasm of two separate world views was exposed that wishful thinking will neither heal nor the chasm seal.

It may be so for generations!

For Israelis in the midst of a personally painful war, “The Day After” is as far removed cerebrally as the outer galaxy is physically. They can barely cope with thinking beyond the end of each day than face the politically abstract “day after”. And who can blame them when each passing day they are met with the news of another soldier they know or somebody they know who knows, that has fallen in battle. Every death is personal; it feels like an amputation, losing one limb after another as our nation is daily dismembered.

Images never to be repeated. Civilians burned alive in their car by Hamas terrorists. (Courtesy: South First Responders)

And so, rather thinking about ‘the day after” we think about today as at each morn, we mourn!

Nevertheless, despite this sad scenario, there is a positive of the increased talk of “the day after”, especially by global leaders for it implies a break with the past, a future without Hamas.  The more “the day after” is part of the conversation, there is an increasing acceptance of the notion of NEVER returning to the status quo ante bellum – the situation as it existed before the war.

So, when Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh expresses as he did in a recent televised address that any arrangement in Gaza without Hamas is a “delusion”, it may well be that it is he that is “dilutional”. No Israeli is ever going to accept that the people that conceived and orchestrated the massacre of October 7 will remain in power. And Israel is hardly alone in wanting to be rid of Hamas.

Blood on Beds. This can never be allowed to ever happen again where kids are murdered in their beds as what occurred in this blood-soaked child’s bed in Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7.

Despite their public criticism of Israel in its prosecution of the war, the leaders of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and many Gulf states would joyously, if surreptitiously, welcome a “day after” free of Hamas. After all, they share the same agenda with Israel in wanting to see Iran’s “axis of resistance” of proxy militias from Hamas to the hot-headed Houthis neutralized. Not wanting to be caught in the crossfire, they prefer to let Israel do the job while applauding with one hand!

Israelis know – and are prepared to pay a heavy price as they are sadly doing – for “The Day After” that shall NEVER be a return to the position they were in on October 6 – the day before the massacre, a day that will live in eternal infamy. That coupled with an alarming global outbreak of antisemitism – that Jews are not safe anywhere – Israel needs to restore its deterrence.

Hate from New York. Only three weeks after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, these protesters at a “Flood Brooklyn for Gaza” demonstration on October 28 in New York, USA  are not shy to use the words to rid Jews “BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE”. (Photo: CAITLIN OCHS/REUTERS)

To ensure this, I reiterate what I wrote in an earlier article that I never thought as a liberal thinker I would ever subscribe to the 15th century counsel of Machiavelli but then came October 7 and hence IF THEY LOVE US NOT, LET THEM FEAR US.

What will “the day after” look like? How do we visualize it?

This war will end not with iconic photos like our desert fighters in 1949 raising a makeshift flag in Eilat or our paratroopers in 1967 gazing heavenward at the Western Wall.  We are not looking for the celebratory visuals of victory but for an emphatic crushing of evil that will not rear its ugly head to strike again.

Violence on Vehicles. If this is the state of these civilian cars, one can imagine the fate of its occupants as Israeli forensic police try to identify any human remains. Many of these cars belonged to Israelis who attended the music festival in Re’im and were murdered as they tried to flee. (Photo by Jim Hollander/UPI)

Hamas must be synonymous with history.

For Israelis to resettle the south they will settle for nothing less.